Make the most of your potatoes by following a simple set of guidelines for buying, storing, and preparing.
When selecting your potatoes, the best ones are uniform in size. Choose potatoes that are clean, firm, and smooth. Stay clear of discolored ones with imperfections such as cuts, cracks, or bruises. An overexposure to light can cause potatoes to take on a greenish color and taste bitter. If your potatoes become green, peel this coloration away before preparing them.
Do not wash raw potatoes before storing. This speeds the development of decay. Select a storage location that’s cool and dry. The best choice would be a well-ventilated, dark place to protect them from light exposure. Too much light may cause potatoes to sprout. If sprouting does occur, you may cut off the sprouts before preparation. If you do not have an ideal storage location, you may want to consider purchasing small quantities. Freezing or refrigerating potatoes may cause the starch to prematurely turn into sugar, which alters the taste of the potatoes and causes the flesh to darken when cooked.
Before cooking your potatoes, clean with a vegetable brush under cool running water. To gain the most nutritional value from your potatoes, cook and eat with the skin on. If peeling, use a vegetable peeler or sharp knife to keep the slices very thin. Many of the nutrients are present close to the skin. When peeling potatoes in advance, cover with cold water, lemon juice, or diluted vinegar to prevent browning.